After all, if the stars are ignited
– It follows – that somebody needs this?
It follows – that someone wants them to exist?
It follows – someone calls these spitlings pearls?
And, exerting themselves
In the blizzards of afternoon dust,
As they break through to god,
Fearing, that they’re late,
And crying,
Kissing their veiny hand,
They demand –
That there should certainly be a star!
And vow – to nevermore suffer through this starless torture!
Then after –
Walking around tensely anxious,
But all calm on the outside –
They ask somebody:
"But now you're alright?
Not scared?
''Well, then HEAR ME OUT!
After all, if the stars are ignited
– It follows – that somebody needs this?
It follows – it is necessary
That every evening
Above the roofs
Gets ignited at least one single