Beside the Fireplace

The fireplace burnt out,

A shadow drowned the room…

With arms upon his chest

He stood there, stood alone.

While staring straight ahead,

His face a frozen mask,

So bitterly he spoke

And sadness was his guest...

“I've reached so deep inside

Then still-uncharted lands,

Ahead my caravan would ride,

Eight dozen ceaseless days,


Past chains of monstrous mountains,

Through forest-realms… and even:

Across far cities, tall and strange,

Which called while we were dreaming.


And more than once, through silent nights,

Above our camps wild howls would rise.

And so we'd chop the lumber,

And we would dig the moats;

Then, in the evening ambience,

The lions would come forth.

But our souls have shed their fat:

The banes of fools and cowards…

And we would shoot those lions down,

But aim between the eyes.

And once I found all by myself,

Dug up with just my own two hands,

An age-old church that sang to me

From deep beneath the desert sands.


And also, there’s famous river –

That runs from sea to beaming sea –

And, why, this ancient snaking river

Received its modern name from me.

And then within the land of lakes,

The five of its large local tribes

All took me for a wiser man,

Still honor laws which I designed.

But, these days, I am growing weak,

As if I'm reigned by kings of sleep.

And now my soul, for once, is ill,

Oh yes, it's turning deathly sick.


For to its core it's been infused

By morbid essence of some fear,

And, though alive, I am entombed

Within these stifling four walls here;

Here neither water’s playful splash,

Nor a long rifle’s noble shine,

Could help me shed my shrinking coils,

Rip-up this deadly chain of mine…”


And hiding evil triumph

So deeply in her eyes,

The woman in the corner

Would listen to his plight.

I’ve mocked myself twice over...”

I’ve mocked myself twice over

So foolish became I

By fancying that except you

There's something in this life.

So simple in white garments -

A goddess in old peplums -

I see you hold a crystal sphere

In thin and translucent fingers.


While all the oceans, mountains all,

The humans, angels, flowers –

Reflect within the crystal

Of un-soiled see-through eyes.

How strange to think that in this world

Just one thing lives but you;

That I'm more than a nightly song

A sleepless song of you.


A light around your shoulders burns,

A bright light that would blind.

It dances in long flaming tongues:

Two wings of burning gold!

- 1921

Upon the distant star named Venus...”

Upon the distant star named Venus

All hearts burn hard with golden flames!

And on far Venus... Ah! On Venus

The trees all dress in azure leaves.


There wild-rung waters rush by fair

From waterfalls, from rivers, geysers;

All sing at noon from freedom’s ballads

And nightly, lamp-like, flow in flames.


But on far Venus... Ah! Upon my Venus

There are no words for hurting or for ruling,

And on fair Venus angels talk in private

In an old tongue composed of noth but vowels.

Know that it means a promise brimmed with joy,

If they should utter “ee-a” or “a-ee”.

While “ao” and “uo” – from ancient Edens blow

A golden-splattered lofty memory.

And on that Venus... Ah! Upon my Venus

There is no death, so astringent and musky.

And if somebody perishes on Venus –

They get transformed into bright heaven’s vapors.


And these gold smoke-souls do forever wander

Within the blue, the deep blue nightly groves;

Or else, a group of ever-joyful pilgrims,

They’re paying visits unto living worlds.

- 1921


After many years...”

(A dialogue between reunited lovers)

− After many years I've at last returned.

Though an exile I am still

And I'm being watched.

- I've awaited you

All these lengthy years!

For this love of mine

Doesn't know of distance.

- In an alien land

Did my life pass by.

How they stole my life

Didn't notice I.


- Meanwhile, my life

Was a sweeter thing.

I've awaited you,

Watched you in my dreams.


Death is in my home

And yours too it's found. -

Matters not this death

When we are as one.

- 1921



I don't despair that someone's dropped

The shroud that once hid nature all,

That ancient woods, the gray-haired seas

Don't hide their nyads, harbor fauns.

I know that desert winds sound out

With perfectly inhuman speech,

And not a human tiredness

Is heralded by coming eves.


Oh no, within these slow, inert

Metamorphoses of existence

An immortality for mortals

Is guaranteed by founding words.


Oh poet, you alone wield power

To understand that frightful language,

Which once the sphinxes spoke out-loud

In circles of draconic lords.


Become a thing, what once was Godly,

Exclaim as if in prophets' tones,

So that the earthly sphere that birthed you

Would shudder spinning on its stalk.

- 1919

The Knight of Happiness

How easy is this world to breath in!

Do tell me, who's at odds with life,

And tell me, who is breathing heavy,

I'll fill each one with joy and pride.


So let him come and I will tell him

About the girl with greenish eyes,

About the deep blue morning darkness

That's pierced by poems and by light.


Oh, let him come!And I must tell him;

I must recount again, once more,

How sweet to live, how sweet to conquer

The sea and women, word and foe.


But if, at last, he doesn't get it

And won't accept my wondrous faiths

In turn, we'll send him to the barrier

Who of world's pain and woe complains!

- 1917 or 1918